Code key Saturday!

At the March 13, 2010 club meeting, several members brought their Morse code keys for show-and-tell and some discussion about code work. Click the “read more” link to see the photos, taken by Marsh NC7V. The club also elected new officers for 2010, listed here.

Homemade keyers by K7CAH

Homemade keyer by K7CAH

NC7V brought a keyer paddle built from a kit of brass parts. AA7CG and I each assembled one. 4 grades of sand paper followed by polishing with Tung Oil and a clear lacquer.

Two hand keys from W7YOZ which could be used with the switch on the right "open" to the sender on the old telegraph lines. When done he closes the switch to complete the circuit so others on the wire can send. The key of course can be used with any ham transmitter with the switch open. When the switch is closed it is as you pressed on the key.

Two Vibroplex "Bugs" brought by W7YOZ. When you press the lever with your thumb you cause a rod holding a weight to vibrate to generate dots. When you use your forefinger you make individual dash's for each press. It is called semi-automatic. Vibroplex has been around for many years. The bug on the right is a more expensive version of the one on the left. One moves the weight along the rod to adjust the vibration rate, i.e. speed of the dots.

W7YOZ brought two old telegraphers sounders. They click as the CW is received on an old telegraph wire line. They are actually electromagnets which click as the code comes in. The voltage to operate these comes over the telegraph line at the source. It is interrupted by a telegrapher at one of the offices which is sending. Note that all telegraphers can copy. No point to point secure communications.

AC7VA brought two telegraph keys a bug and a code practice oscillator. In addition he has an old "wire recorder" It has wire cartridges with code practice data probably used for training.

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